Detroit Contributes to Detroit's Downfall

, by Building Rubble

Detroit, Michigan is known across the board as the Motor City due to it being one of the largest centers for vehicle manufacturing in the USA. It is also known for its high crime rate and poor living conditions. Recently a study has been released that shows that the population of Detroit is constantly decreasing. The study goes on to explain that the reason for this population reduction is because the living conditions are so dismal in Detroit that its residents are using the cars made there to leave forever. So many people use the cars to uproot their lives from the Motor City that there is almost no export cost to the car manufacturers. The cars they make are arriving at the far corners of the continent simply because the car owners are trying their very best to get far, far away. Since the exporting of the cars is a time-consuming and expensive process, having almost no export costs is actually helping Detroit’s economy despite the ever-decreasing population. Deserted neighborhoods are being bulldozed and immediately transformed into bigger and more efficient vehicle factories. Analysts speculate that within the next few months, Detroit will be completely void of life outside of the factories. Of course once this occurs, the economy will plummet due to the fact that everyone will have already left, thereby erasing the need for the cars. People living outside of Detroit who would normally buy a new car are already terrified that if they make the purchase, they will accidentally drive closer to the city. This fear has already halted car sales in the rest of the country so it is only a matter of time before the current boom of sales will grind to a stop. This rapidly approaching inevitability will be the spike strip that ends the joy ride the Motor City is currently experiencing. 

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