Radio Goes Silent

, by Building Rubble

The seventeen people in the world who still listen to FM radio were confused on Saturday when their radios went completely silent for three minutes with no warning whatsoever. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the silence was actually just the radio edited version of an incredibly graphic rap song by the name of "F%@$" by rapper Two Waynes. Due to the strict rules of radio, not a single word of the song was allowed to be played without censorship. "It's a very popular song. Our listeners demanded we play it so we had no choice but to comply," said Zeke Hamilton, the DJ on duty when the song was played. Zeke also told us that Two Waynes freestyles every single one of his songs. Interested in how one man could spew so many hateful, hurtful, gut wrenching words and phrases for three minutes straight, we decided to further research Two Waynes' career. It turns out that he actually is not truly a rapper, but instead he is afflicted with a severe form of Tourette's syndrome. When he goes to the recording studio, a beat is started and he just lets the swear words fly for as long as he can. "F%@$" was the first song he had ever "written" that made enough sense to actually be released. To enjoy this song, tune in to your local rap radio station and jam out to some silence. Or you could buy an iPod like a normal person. Your choice.

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